“They beat me up, the aggressor must have been a hit man. Although he did not present his credential to me, ”the priest detailed in the text.
The attack occurred when he was traveling through the streets of the municipality of Queréndaro, Michoacán, when a subject he described as tall, dark, with receding hairline, “he had a gun in his fistswalked up to me, opened my car door, smashed my face, leaving it bleeding horribly.”
The text issued by the clergyman was accompanied by an image of him in which he appears with visible injuries on his face.
The priest affirmed that he had already “sensed” this attack, at the same time that he assured that it was “very cheap”, recalling the case of the Jesuit priests Javier Campos Morales, “El Gallo” and Joaquín César Mora Salazar “El Morita”. ” who were killed in the Cerocahui temple on June 20, when they protected Pedro Palma, a tour guide, who was also killed.
For this reason, Mateo Calvillo Paz urged “to be aware and be prepared, study our reaction, a mistake can be deadly. It was very cheap if I think about the fate of the murdered Jesuit brothers and the many deaths and massacres”.