“He was found hanging in a closet in the hotel room,” they reveal about the Uruguayan soccer player from Mushuc Runa Sporting Club
Mathías Acuña committed suicide in a hotel room
death yesterday Mathías Acuña32 years old, shocked the world yesterday. The Uruguayan footballer Mushuc Runa Sporting Club Ecuadorian He was found dead in the hotel room where the team usually gathers, supposedly after committing suicide. This circumstance has been confirmed in recent hours by the local police in a preliminary report.
The National Police gave details of the case, which was alerted through ECU911. At the scene, hotel staff were contacted and they learned the circumstances of the player’s discovery. “He was found suspended in a closet in room No. 403, using a sheet,” the establishment’s workers told the police.
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In addition, it was reported that upon realizing the situation, an attempt was made to take the footballer off the hook to provide help and that the ECU911 ambulance paramedic performed resuscitation maneuvers without success. He himself confirmed that Acuña no longer showed vital signs.
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