The recent summit of the Justicialist Party (P.J.) in Moreno has revealed the fragile unity of Peronism and the deep differences that exist between its main figures, especially with the governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof.
This meeting of P.J.which took place in the Los Robles Municipal Reserve, was convened by Máximo Kirchner and was attended by prominent figures such as Cristina Kirchner, Sergio Massa and Kicillof himself. However, far from consolidating an image of cohesion, the meeting highlighted the tensions and disagreements that persist within the party.
The summit in Moreno took place in a context of high political and social tension. The management of President Javier Milei has generated budget restrictions and tensions that affect the province of Buenos Aires, and internal differences within Peronism have been evident in recent months.
Máximo Kirchner’s call sought to address these challenges and find a common path for the future of Peronism in the province, but the results were mixed.. One of the most talked about moments of the summit was the photo that brought together Cristina Kirchner, Axel Kicillof and Sergio Massa.
Although the image was intended to show solid unity, the reality is that the differences between these leaders were exposed. According to sources close to the Buenos Aires government, the meeting was perceived as an empty event with no real content. An official close to Kicillof said: “We are not going to beat Milei with photos.”
The tensions between Kicillof and the hard wing of Kirchnerism, represented by Cristina and Máximo Kirchner, were evident during the summit. The relationship between Kicillof and Cristina Kirchner has deteriorated in recent months, especially after the dispute for the presidency of the P.J. national.
During the meeting of P.J.Cristina Kirchner criticized last year’s electoral split, a decision that Kicillof defended at the time. This criticism was seen as additional pressure on the Buenos Aires governor.
Sergio Massa, for his part, offered himself as a mediator and guarantor of the unity of Peronism in the face of the 2025 elections. The former presidential candidate agreed with La Cámpora on the need not to split the provincial elections to avoid divisions within the party . However, Kicillof’s entourage clarified that there is no defined position regarding the electoral split, since the internal debate has not been enabled.
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