The work “The perfect body” was written by the same author of “The vagina monologues”.
The belly is one of the parts of the human body that causes the most problems for women.
It is not surprising then that a work made from conversations with women of different ethnic groups around the world did not arouse the interest of one of the country’s producers.
Theatrical producer Raúl Méndez, a Puerto Rican based in the Dominican Republic, has a blessed nose for comedies capable of mobilizing large audiences. “The perfect body” is a comedy with dramatic edges that goes on stage this Thursday in the Ravelo Hall of the National Theater.
Eve Ensler’s play will be exhibited from this Thursday, October 6, under the direction of the Puerto Rican Lynnette Salas.
The staging that addresses the obsession with a cover physicist takes the stage this weekend with performances by Hony Estrella, Xiomara Rodríguez, Gabi Desangles and María Angélica Ureña.
“The Perfect Body” addresses the obsession with a magazine cover physique.
The work that invites reflection on what the perfect body is, seeks through a staging that navigates between comedy and drama, to humorously exhibit the obsessions with plastic surgeries, aesthetic treatments, the lack of empathy of couples, sexual abuse and pressure from society.
Eve Ensler dared, once again, to show fundamental questions of femininity and the frameworks that a patriarchal society dictates on the questions of what a “perfect” body looks like.
The theater piece is more than an exploration of the strength, sexuality, courage and humor with which a woman can develop. Tickets are on sale at Uepa Tickets, National Supermarket, Jumbo and the National Theater box office.