Improve the collection of predial
The second issue raised by the OECD to increase public revenue collection is “improving the design of some taxes that are still not being well used, such as taxes on real estate and vehicles and environmental taxes.”
To this end, Mexico is already advancing in the construction of a cadastral information platform that would facilitate the exchange of georeferenced data between the three levels of public administration.
“The recent experience of some Mexican municipalities suggests that the use of modern technologies, such as photogrammetric flights, can help prepare and update the cadastre with greater precision and speed, and at a lower cost than the traditional documentary registry, which is very labor intensive. labor and costly to implement for small municipalities”, the document refers.
Government of Mexico responds
The Secretary of the Treasury, Rogelio Ramírez de la O, referred in the presentation of the study, that in Mexico the collection of taxes has increased by combating tax evasion and avoidance, all without increasing tax rates.
“In the same sense, for this fiscal year we have launched additional actions to consolidate public revenues such as the launch of a new fiscal regime that will facilitate the fulfillment of obligations and the implementation of complementary measures to prevent the smuggling of merchandise”, said Ramírez de la O referring to the simplified trust regime (Resico).