In order to continue advancing in the determination and approval of the Line of Highest Tide (LAM), the National Superintendency of State Assets (SBN) and the Peruvian Navy signed an Inter-institutional Cooperation Framework Agreement, with which both entities commit to continue joint tasks for the topographic survey of the LAM in the Lambayeque and La Libertad regions.
The agreement was signed yesterday by the National Superintendent of State Assets, Mg. Roger Gavidia Johanson and on behalf of the Peruvian Navy, Vice Admiral César Colunge Pinto Calle, General Director of Captaincies and Coast Guards, and Rear Admiral César Zelada Levy, Director of Hydrography and Navigation. The agreement will be valid for two years.
The SBN superintendent highlighted the importance of promoting the demarcation of the Line of Highest Tide since it will allow having a graphic base to define the areas that are the responsibility of the SBN and that can be used for investment projects.
It should be noted that, to date, the Peruvian Navy has been collecting information for the delimitation of the Line of Highest Tide in La Libertad, finding 70% progress and would be ending in October and then continuing with Lambayeque. .
The SBN is the governing body in charge of regulating and supervising the actions carried out by the entities that make up the National System of State Assets (SNBE), as well as executing acts with respect to the state assets that are under its administration, seeking to optimize their use and value, for the benefit of the population.