In order to know the progress of the Government in pension matters and on the reform of the pension system, the Minister of Labor, Jeannette Jara, was summoned this Tuesday to the session of the Senate Finance Commission.
Minister Jara confirmed her presence to the Upper House and stated that they will inform “the steps that we are taking as an Executive through the tripartite social dialogue that is being carried out throughout the country and that has as its objective, together with the technical tables that They are studying the effects of the pension reform on the system, which aims to present the bill in the month of August”.
“Also make ourselves available to the senators in all the observations and concerns they may have on the matter,” added the head of Labor, according to what was recorded Cooperative Radio.
Senator Juan Antonio Coloma (UDI), president of said instance, stated, according to the radio outlet, that “today we have a pending project in the Finance Commission, which has been approved in the Chamber of Deputies, let us remember that it is coming of the Labor Commission. It is, therefore, in full process, and obviously, like all the projects that are in the pipeline, one has to follow up and see how they continue, and for that we have invited the Minister of Labor”.
“By the way, we have talked with her to see what the position is, the times, if they plan to make a different project or generate a substitute indication regarding this same project. I think it is part of our task,” added Senator Coloma.