According to the Ministry of Public Works, the work closes in 2022 with 83% overall execution by the company GINSA SA Sucursal Paraguay, with an awarded amount of G. 82.400.369.880.
It must be remembered that this space will provide the population of Asunción and surroundings with some 10 hectares of outdoor space for recreation and recreation, where three main components are contemplated: the coastal linear park, the area for the National Navy and the ramp for boats.
The Linear Park will be installed on a 2,340-meter hydraulic fill and will have 3-meter-wide bike lanes, parking lots, sidewalks, bicycle racks, garbage cans, drinking fountains, restrooms, first aid, and a police booth. To this are added 3 reinforced concrete bridges, soccer fields, playground and outdoor gym area.
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Regarding the work of the National Navy, covers 4.75 hectares, and it was already inaugurated by the President of the Republic, Mario Abdo Benítez.
Finally, the ramp component for boats includes a berth-type space, parking lots, a place for recreation, and a 15 linear meter vehicular junction bridge, all of this on an area of 3.6 hectares.
The entrance The Linear Park II of Asunción advances was first published on newspaper TODAY.