Home South AmericaArgentina The initiative for judges to pay Profits adds support in Congress

The initiative for judges to pay Profits adds support in Congress

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The initiative for judges to pay Profits adds support in Congress

Casaretto stressed that judges of the Supreme Court, chamberlains, judges, prosecutors, officials and everyone who exceeds 0,000, pays profits.

The deputy of the Frente de Todos (FdT), Marcelo Casaretto, remarked this Friday that “all judges have to pay Profits” like “any neighbor’s son”, and criticized the concentration of transportation subsidies in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires (AMBA) to the detriment of the rest of the country, where the bus ticket quadruples the value of the service in CABA and the suburbs.

The legislator from Entre Ríos defended the initiative that he presented last Thursday in the framework of the debate in committee on the 2023 Budget bill so that all members of the Judicial Power pay the Income Tax like the rest of the activities and, He also criticized former President Mauricio Macri and his Interior Minister, Rogelio Frigerio, for having “eliminated transport subsidies in the interior.”

“We are all equal before the law and all active or retired judges have to pay profits if they exceed the non-taxable minimum, like any neighbor’s son,” he said in statements to radio from the University of Entre Ríos, in which he explained that his project “includes everyone, judges of the Supreme Court, chamberlains, judges, prosecutors, officials, everyone who exceeds $330,000, pays Profits.”

The cost

In this regard, he recalled that “an autoworker pays Earnings, the president and his ministers, the legislators as well; the only ones who don’t pay are those who are in Justice”.

Casaretto reiterated that the exemption from the payment of Earnings for the Judiciary “means a cost of $238,000 million for next year”, and that the discussion around the “intangibility” of the income of the magistrates “has been going on for 90 years”, when in 1932 the income tax was approved.

At that time, “the Supreme Court interpreted that everyone had to pay it except them,” he recalled, in addition to pointing out that “That tax was changed to Income Tax in the 1970s and in the 1990s the exemption for judges was eliminated.”

However, again “The Court, headed by Julio Nazareno in 1996, once again ordered that everyone pay Profits except them”, indicated, while “as of 2016, it was accepted that the judges who entered from 2017 onwards paid Earnings, but not those who were up to this date.”

The FdT legislator stressed that when he presented the bill “There were several opposition deputies who asked for the floor and supported”for which he believes that “finally, on Tuesday we will have the majority to impose this issue”, in the scheduled session in the Chamber of Deputies.

Casaretto clarified that, unlike the law passed in 2016, if his initiative prospers “Everyone will have to pay, regardless of the date they entered.”

Social investment

“Many ask for more funds to strengthen the items in Education, infrastructure, popular neighborhoods and all that requires an investment from the State,” he warned, adding that “The objective is that this much-needed social investment be financed with the elimination of the exemption.”

Casaretto also advocated “reverse the concentration left by the previous government” in terms of subsidies for passenger transport and highlighted that the draft Budget 2023 assigns the provinces $85,000 million in this concept for 2023.

“When I became a deputy I found that Mauricio Macri and Rogelio Frigerio had eliminated transport subsidies from the interiorwe had to fight from scratch to be able to make any contribution”.

In this regard, he criticized “Compared to the $25 that is (the bus ticket) in the City of Buenos Aires, inside there are places that are between $80 and $100” and remarked that “it is a situation that has been dragging on since 2019.”

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