The mediatic and intense irruption of Elisa Carrió in the internal life of Together for Change (JxC), distributing accusations towards the main leaders of the opposition coalition, generated a climate of strong internal debate, and advanced the discussion of the candidacies.
Carrió appeared this week in several reports in which asked for “decent rules” in PvCquestioning leaders like Gerardo Morales, Emilio Monzó, Rogelio Frigerio, Gerardo Milman and Cristian Ritondoamong others.
In his questioning of his own peers in the coalition, Carrió said that JxC “has to be made up of decent people” and pointed out that “there can be no more business”, criticizing the leaders who could reach agreements with Sergio Massa or Peronism. She even pointed to the private life of one of them.
The main reference of the Civic Coalition thus achieved a phenomenon that had not occurred in the opposition for several months: that “doves” and “hawks”, each with their own style, came together to question it in harsh terms.
From Patricia Bullrich’s “Basta Carrió” to Larreta’s “the limit is grievances,” everyone came out to repudiate the leader.
Morales, the governor of Jujuy and head of the UCR, he told Carrió that “everything is not worth it” and accused her of being irresponsible. Even the other radical presidential candidate, Facundo Manes, who does not usually get involved in the current debate, questioned the “personalistic and narcissistic” projects.
The one who was left out of the distribution of questions from the leader of the Civic Coalition was the former president Mauricio Macriwho limited himself to saying that he did not share the grievances against figures from Together for Change.
In this scenario, and after public responses, the opposition embarked on a strong internal debate about why Carrió did what he didwhat was his objective and if he had the endorsement of a leader in his media raid.
Several party sources consulted by this agency agreed that Carrió’s appearance repeats a ‘modus operandi’ already known from his history: going out to question opposition leaders to put in their place, on next year’s lists that begin to be discussed, to the referents of the Civic Coalition.
“Paste to Bargain”summarize the strategy, and many point out that Mauricio Macri, as Carrió herself said in one of the reports, was aware that she was going to come out with this barrage of questions.
Close to the former president they affirm, however, that Macri did not endorse these personal attacks on several of his own politicianssome of which held key positions in the former president’s government.
However, Carrió and Macri do share the idea of a future Government of Together for Change without concessions or negotiations with Peronism, in particular with the sector of the new Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, an issue that the leader herself was in charge of specifying. in his multiple appearances this week.
The sources consulted also pointed out that although within Together for Change all sectors are accustomed to these controversial irruptions by Carrió, on this occasion a limit was broken and they describe the situation generated as “fed up”.
In this context, several sources analyze that the appearance of Carrió is an attempt to improve the internal positioning of a Civic Coalition today blurred before the multiple candidates of the PRO for 2023 in all categories and a radicalism that gained prominence.
The other effect that was generated is a advancement of candidature discussions and what are the places that the Coalition should really have when putting together the lists.
Despite the strong climate of internal upheaval, no one believes among all the consulates that the blood will reach the river and finally there will be a break in Together for Change in which the Civic Coalition breaks with the structure of which Carrió herself is a part. of the founders.
Nevertheless, there are those who believe that “Carrió must be paid (in terms of places on the lists) what it is worth, and not what she supposes it is worth”.
These issues were discussed in a lunch that on Friday at noon maintained the main referents of the PRO in a restaurant on the Costanera.
In this scheme of advancing the discussions, in the yellow party they believe that in the coming months they have to define who will be their presidential candidate: if Larreta, Bullrich plays or if Macri kicks the board and goes for his “second half”.
The PRO has to define, after the World Cup in Qatar, who will go to PASO to confront radicalism and they believe that with two candidates in that instance they weaken their chances.