Alonso Urrutia and Emir Olivares
Newspaper La Jornada
Thursday, September 1, 2022, p. 8
Absent from the plenary meetings of the Morena faction in the Senate, the Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López, justified that he did not attend due to Familiar compromises
. Regarding the coincidence that several Secretaries of State did not attend, he avoided mentioning it: I do not know. I arrived today
responded in a brief interview upon arrival at the National Palace.
In the morning, almost at the end of his morning conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador declined to comment on the future of leadership among the morenista senators with a concise phrase: I don’t get into that
–But the secretaries of state were absent with the senators
–Friday –said the president, in reference to the fact that that day he will pronounce on the matter.
For Adán López, what happens in the Morena faction in the Senate does not mean that there is a division.
–Isn’t that a snub to Monreal?
-Nerd. In my case, how many times have I been summoned have I attended. This time I couldn’t because I had a family commitment outside the City and I didn’t arrive on time.
He declined to comment on the criticism launched by the leader of the caucus, Ricardo Monreal, on the internal processes of the party. I haven’t heard those claims.
– You neither see nor hear it?
-Nope. It’s been about a month and a half since we greeted each other and we haven’t had a chance to talk.