This Thursday Federal Court No. 2 will announce the grounds of the sentence against Cristina Kirchnerwhich was disseminated last December in the framework of the trial for the Road Cause.
In a procedure that will not be face-to-face, the Court will explain why it considered that the vice president committed the crime of illicit association, and for which Cristina Kirchner She was tried and sentenced to six years in prison and perpetual disqualification from holding public office.
Once the grounds of the judgment against Cristina Kirchnerwhich will be done through the Lex-100 judicial system, the stage will be opened to present the appeals before the Federal Chamber of Cassation.
There will be a period of 10 business days to file appeals. Once this is established before the Chamber, the verdict will be analyzed by room IV, currently made up of judges Mariano Borinsky, Gustavo Hornos and Javier Carbajo.

Subsequently, the judges will call the parties to a hearing to hear their arguments, and then there will be a period of 20 business days to issue a resolution.
If Cassation decides to maintain the ruling, the vice president’s defense will have the possibility of appealing to the Supreme Court to appeal the decision, which could be extended indefinitely, since the Court does not have a deadline to issue a decision.

On the other hand, If Cassation modifies the judgment of the Court, the Court could provide that another Chamber of Cassation review the decision previously, in order to make the sentence final or revoke.
They held a vigil in support of Cristina Kirchner
As happened in the most critical stage of the trial for the Road Cause, hundreds of militants organized a vigil on Wednesday night in Plaza Lavalle, in front of the Palace of Courts, in support of the vice president and waiting for the grounds of the sentence to be known.
The concentration called by organizations and social movements also had the support of members of La Cámpora, and was carried out under the slogan “the ban to hell.”