He government has been clear since the end of last year regarding its intentions to suspend the PASO, however, at that time it did not obtain the necessary adhesions to put this into a document. Now, he would be hastening its completion and is not afraid of intimidating officials.
He government plans to go all out this beginning of the year, having called an extraordinary session to discuss the elimination of the PASO in congress. If he does not obtain the results he longs for, Javier Milei could take a much more concrete and controversial course.
One of the hot topics of these extraordinary holiday sessions is the treatment of the definitive elimination of PASO. According to Guillermo Francos, several hundred million dollars would be saved, which contributes to the stability of the accounts.
“They are an absolutely unnecessary expense, perhaps much more so in midterm elections like these than in the presidential election. They had no results.”
However, if things do not go as planned by the national administration, the suspension could be resorted to, ending this chapter.. In fact, it was Francos himself who announced this news in recent hours.
According to the head of the cabinet of ministers, alliances would be sought to form majorities and definitively suspend an instance which, according to them, does not contribute in any way to democracy and greater efficiency would be sought in the elections.
“We would seek the elimination of the PASO, now if there is no agreement for that and the majority proposes suspension, we will go for suspension.”
The opposition has already announced that it will provide treatments and arguments for the non-suspension of the PASO, but with the dialogue blocks of the UCR a debate could be considered won that the government rushes ahead of the elections.
The international strategy
Shortly before becoming the president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump added endorsements with Javier Milei in the southern cone and caused controversies in Mercosur. The Argentine president made it clear that he is aligned with the northern country, which could be potentially dangerous for Argentine foreign policy and its government.
However, what the American president-elect was looking for was a place from which he could extract resources, establish bases for observing South American policies and an ally that would carry the burden of the “free” world, even if only in theory.
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