The Government intensified the verification of prices to avoid speculative maneuvers in businesses and large establishments that sell food and basic necessities. The operations are led by the Ministry of Domestic Trade, the ARBA (Buenos Aires Collection Agency) and the AFIP (Federal Administration of Public Revenues).
The operations of prices they were also carried out on companies that produce mass consumer goods with high power in the market. Regarding the evaluation of valuesthe head of Internal Trade, Martín Pollera, stated that the aim is to guarantee the best control process.
“It is with the aim of more effectively taking care of the pockets of Argentines in the face of abuses and breaches. We are working from the Secretariat, with provinces and municipalities to cover the entire national territory”explained Pollera, regarding the operations by the prices.
The actions were also promoted in production plants, where it was controlled that the transport of the merchandise is carried out with the documentation in order and without tax evasion maneuvers. The Ministry of Labor has designated 100 of its officials to support the inspections.
These control tasks costs they are simultaneously carried out by the AFIP in different parts of the country. The DGI (General Tax Directorate) will carry out face-to-face surveys linked to billing levels and the DGRSS (General Directorate of Social Security Resources) corroborates compliance with labor operations.
Inflation in Argentina
Inflation in Argentina rose 5.3% in June, according to data presented by the Indec (National Institute of Statistics and Censuses). The accumulated since January reached 36.2%, the highest percentage since 1991, in addition to 64% year-on-year.
What was obtained in June represented a severe blow to the administration of Alberto Fernández, who expected a slowdown in increases, after registering 6.7% in March, 6% in April and 5.1% in May.