The national government denied that it is analyzing promoting a new pension reform within the framework of the advanced negotiations that are being carried out with the authorities of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Anyway, President Alberto Fernández admitted the need to “advance further” in studying the retirement benefits that favor judges and ambassadors through special regimes.
The eventual changes that are being studied “do not include the teacher’s pension regime but the regime in which the ambassadors and judges are,” President Alberto Fernández clarified through an audio broadcast on the radio program El Destape.
“The difference is very big and it is clearly not for teachers. What is being talked about is a special privilege regime where ambassadors and judges are basically present,” Fernández added.
On this point, he explained that “we did something with the judges and I think we should go further and the same with the ambassadors, but clearly it is not the issue of the teachers.”
In this regard, the Minister of Labor, Claudio Moroni, said in an interview with Télam that “Nowhere in the agreement is there a commitment to make pension reforms”although he noted that “how to improve the system in terms of equity and improvements in assets will be studied.”
“Like all countries, the pension issue is complex in Argentina and in the world workers’ life expectancy is on the rise,” said Moroni.
For this reason, he anticipated that “studies will be carried out on how to achieve greater equity in the system and how to encourage the worker to continue with the active stage, in order to achieve a better replacement and retirement rate, seeking incentives to stay beyond retirement age, and thus achieve a better retirement asset”.
There will be no pension reform. Our Government will always take care of and work to improve the salary of our retirees. The mobility formula sanctioned in 2020 will be maintained, maintaining the rights that we strengthened with that law.
– Martin Guzman (@Martin_M_Guzman) February 21, 2022
Along the same lines, through his Twitter social network account, The Minister of Economy, Martín Guzmán, ruled out the possibility of promoting a new pension reformalthough he clarified that a study focused on special regimes will be carried out.
“There will be no pension reform. We will always take care of the salary of our retirees,” said Guzmán
The minister made it clear that “the mobility formula sanctioned in 2020 will be maintained, maintaining the rights that we strengthened with that law.” In any case, he admitted that “a study will be carried out focused on the special regimes reached by Law 27,546”, which reaches magistrates and officials of the Judicial Power and the Public Ministry of the Nation.
In that study, “They will analyze options and recommendations to strengthen the equity and long-term sustainability of our pension system.”
There will be no pension reform. Our Government will always take care of and work to improve the salary of our retirees. The mobility formula sanctioned in 2020 will be maintained, maintaining the rights that we strengthened with that law.
– Martin Guzman (@Martin_M_Guzman) February 21, 2022
In 2020, the Government modified the judges’ retirement law and increased contributions and eliminated the benefit that they could receive the 82% mobile benefit of their income, among other reforms.
The law establishes, among other points, that pensions, pensions and family allowances will be updated every three months, and the increases are applied in March, June, September and December.
The adjustments are updated with an index that combines 50% of the evolution of the salaries of the Indec and the Ripte (Taxable Remuneration of Stable Workers) of Social Security and 50% of the tax collection of the National Social Security Administration ( anse).
In no case may the application of said index produce a decrease in the amount received by the beneficiary and both the preparation and approval of the index is the responsibility of Anses.
The final agreement with the IMF is one step away from being finalized, according to recent statements by the director of the Western Hemisphere Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Ilan Goldfajn. The agency is “very close to reaching a complete agreement” with Argentine authorities, Goldfain said.
“We have published the understanding of this program, of the social programs, we have seen what the fiscal path is, but we are now very close to reaching a complete agreement with all the details and all the reforms that are in the new program,” he said. .
In this regard, he added that they hold “intense meetings, many virtual, and that takes almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”
“When we finish we send it to the board of directors and they will say what they will say; we must take into account the reality of Argentina; it is a realistic and reliable program that is only for Argentina in the broadest sense, this is a credible program, so pragmatic and feasible,” concluded the official.