The national government put an end to the discussion that began several weeks ago on the possible granting of a bond or fixed sum for formal workers in a dependency relationship. Finally, it was decided to give, first, an extra to the formal ones and, second, a kind of half bonus to the beneficiaries of the Empowering Work social plan.
The first of the groups mentioned will receive a bond of 20,000 pesos as long as their gross salaries, without discounts, are less than 180,000 pesos. In the case of the second group, these will also receive a extrabut of 13,500 pesos, that is, almost half of what was earned for the four hours required by Potenciar Trabajo.
The bond for formal workers in a dependency relationship, it must be paid by the companies, however, in the case of SMEs, 100% of half of what they pay in Earnings may be deductible, the extra It will be paid with the Christmas bonus and, due to the spectrum of salaries that will be charged, they will not have to pay Income Tax. In the case of the beneficiaries of Potenciar Trabajo, the State will be responsible for sending the sums of money and it will be collected between Christmas and New Year.
The measure that incorporates an extra in salaries will reach a universe of 4.4 million people between formal workers in a dependency relationship and beneficiaries of the Empower Work program. Despite the controversy over the cancellation by the Ministry of Social Development of 20,000 Potenciar Trabajo plans and irregularities in thousands of beneficiaries, the Government chose to launch this extra to calm the waters.
Fixed Sum Bonus
With the decision to deliver a bond, the option of granting a fixed sum was automatically ruled out in the case of the first and winner of the discussion, it is a one-time payment and does not affect future salary. The fixed sum, on the other hand, is an amount that is permanently added to the salary.
The initiative to grant a fixed sum was led by the Vice President of the Nation, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who in September had a meeting in Congress with Sergio Massa, Minister of Economy, to improve wages after analyzing the indices of poverty.