The leaders took office on January 1, 2024.
The balance of the mayors Alejandro Char, Carlos Fernando Galán, Alejandro Eder, Jaime Andrés Beltrán and Fico Gutiérrez
One year after taking office as mayor, several municipal administrations have presented the results of their management.
In RCN Radio We present the balance of the first year in the mayors of the main cities of Colombia as Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Bucaramanga and Barranquilla.
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Carlos Fernando Galán in Bogotá
During this period, Carlos Fernando Galan stood out for leading projects of infrastructure and face challenges related to security, water rationing and mobility.
[Conozca todo el balanceaquí]
Federico Gutiérrez in Medellín
Federico Gutierrez has implemented strategies to regain citizen trust and strengthen the institutionality. Among his achievements, the recovery of finances municipal, with an increase of 161,000 million pesos in the collection of taxes compared to 2023. In addition, it was possible to reduce the cost of fixed funds.
[Conozca todo el balance aquí]
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Jaime Andrés Beltrán in Bucaramanga
Jaime Andrés Beltrán presented the balance of his first year in office, highlighting the joint effort of his government team to obtain positive results. One of the main challenges of 2024 has been to return the security to Bucaramangaa central objective in its administration.
[Conozca todo el balanceaquí]
Alejandro Eder in Cali
Alejandro Eder proposed for 2024 challenges in areas such as security, education, finance, employability and the organization of the COP16. From the Municipal Councilthe draft agreement was approved ‘Invest to Grow’which will allocate a quota of 3.5 billion pesos to the execution of 35 projects aimed at improving the competitiveness and the development of Cali.
[Conozca todo el balanceaquí]
Alejandro Char in Barranquilla
Barranquilla was positioned as one of the best tourist destinations in the world, achieving recognitions such as Leading Destination of Festivals and Events in South America in the World Travel Awards 2024. These achievements consolidate the city as a benchmark in events and business.
[Conozca todo el balanceaquí]
Source: Digital Integrated System
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