With the passing of the hours, authorities have been confirming the fatal outcome in the midst of the emergency caused by the landslide between Pueblo Rico, Risaralda and Chocó. An intermunicipal transport bus, a motorcycle and a van were trapped.
Colombian News.
What happened around 5 in the morning this Sunday on the road that connects Risaralda with the department of Chocó is really painful. The landslide that ended up burying an intermunicipal transport bus and other vehicles has had a fatal outcome.
As will be remembered, the intermunicipal transport car left Cali, heading to Istmina and Condoto; It initially departed with 25 passengers, but in Cartago Valle del Cauca, they reportedly got on board 6 more.
After the emergency, in the area known as La Cabaña, fear and fear increased.
Initially because of what had already been presented and because the earth could keep falling from the mountain.
The Colombian reported that he was able to establish communication with one of the drivers who was passing through the place.
Who explained to them that at the time of the emergency “I activated the safety brake and looked in the rearview mirror, Ranran (his partner) was already covered by the rain of rocks«.
The magnitude of the slip
There is machinery in the area
“Then I sped up and I didn’t see him again. The car was completely covered, I also saw a motorcycle and a truck that managed to be saved. I am shocked, it is not easy to see a driver like this and all the passengers, ”he told the Antioquia media.
A girl the first fatality
Another piece of information that the media paisa and others in Chocó have been able to establish is that the emergency has so far left one fatality.
It is not clear if the girl was moving inside the bus, the truck or the motorcycle; however the consternation and uncertainty do not cease.

The information was provided by the San Rafael de Pueblo Rico Hospital, who detailed that the minor would be between 8 and 10 years old.
And furthermore, after the recovery of his body, «He was transferred to the municipal morgue«.

In the area they continue to carry out care work.
There is already a PMU installed and the governor of Risaralda, Víctor Manuel Tamayo would be present in the area.
Since this morning we have been concentrating on the rescue actions in Pueblo Rico. Together with the Departmental Coordination of Risk Management and relief agencies, we are in the area to lead PMU and use all our capabilities to save lives. pic.twitter.com/IP5ymAncvo
— Victor Manuel Tamayo (@VictorTamayoV) December 4, 2022