Educate to know how to act. If a target has education, is that of the creation and transmission of culture. And it is through it that we can expect individuals to guide their behavior to improve, and change if necessary. For this reason, today more than ever university students should pay attention to sustainable development.
of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDG) that was raised the United Nations reach by 2030, six of them are closely related to reducing our gender inequalities. Namely, SDG 4, Quality Education; SDG 5, Gender Equality; SDG 8, Decent Work and Economic Growth; SDG 10, Reduced Inequalities; SDG 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and SDG 17, Partnerships for the Goals.
There is no doubt about the importance of combating our inequalities, so paying attention to these problems is essential. First of all, understand that the problem is institutional, it has to do with our formal and informal structures, so the first thing we need are alliances to achieve the objectives (SDG 17). With these it will be possible to mobilize actions to produce a Quality education (SDG 4), capable of sustaining decent work and the economic growth (SDG 8) that we need. It is from the creation of wealth and opportunities for all as we can expect a reduction in inequalities (SDG 10), and especially to be able to address gender equality (SDG 5). Only through gradual but consistent results can we build a country with sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11).
It is extremely worrying that we are not making progress on any of these goals, but it is even more worrying that the focus of the public policyto not seem to pay attention to them. Without quality education, socioeconomic mobility is reduced and opportunities for higher incomes also fall.
In the last four years, the manifest decline of higher paying jobs, replacing lower-wage jobs, is more the result of a broken economy than a lack of well-prepared Mexicans. The inability of the economy to absorb each year, with decent work, the 855,000 graduates of higher education, not only ends up producing discontent in educational institutions, but also serves as a “social pressure cooker.” The underlying question is what is the ultimate cause of our poor economic performance? Bad education or bad economic institutions? I lean towards the latter.