
The FA Gender Commission sees the case of Núñez as "an opportunity" to deal with feminist position

The Gender and Feminism Commission of the Broad Front sees the complaint against deputy Gerardo Núñez for gender violence as “an opportunity” to discuss the position of the political force on the issue and to include a more “feminist” view of violenceas he told The Observer Patricia González, president of the commission.

González explained that in this type of case, andThe party must “take the opportunity” to “build political processes.” The member of the Front understands that in the current regulatory framework “gender violence in the private setting is not a central issue”within a political ethic of the party that “feminism calls into question”and in which “There was no reflection on gender violence.”

The Núñez case is being dealt with by the Broad Front Court of Political Conduct (TCP), which according to González “He is going to propose an intervention” that will go to the Plenary of the party. The president of the commission indicated that this topic it will be treated “from the framework of political ethics”, and not from a “feminist” approach.

The deputy of the Communist Party appeared before the Justice in early March for a publication on the Instagram page Boys Uruguay 2what anonymously accused the legislator of having abused a woman in 2021. However, it was due to another complaint that on April 27 the Family Justice ordered Núñez to enroll in a program for men who commit violence and not come within 500 meters of the young woman who reported him.

The Broad Front silence was called until the TCP does not resolve on the casefor respect “due process” and “protocols” in this type of situation, according to a statement from the party’s Political Table dated May 6.

The measure provoked the demonstration the following day by the youth of the Front in the east and west of Montevideo, who attacked “the total and complicit silence of the political force”claiming: “We cannot answer to a right for hiding abusers, when today we have a delicate situation of our own and it is not dealt with directly.”

Gonzalez stated that there must be “a discussion” within the party to change the current ethical principlessomething that will also have to go through the plenary session of the Frente Amplio.

The leader believes that “It is good news” that women are beginning to report cases of gender-based violenceand even though he knows he is a “painful process” for victimsexpressed that “It is the way” to make this problem visible. “There is no other way than this”, concluded.

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