The former soldiers convicted of crimes against humanity during the dictatorship, Ernesto Ramas and Jorge Tróccoli, face justice again for the crimes committed in the last civic-military processthe second of them again in Italy, reported La Diaria.
Ramas was prosecuted for the murder of the communist militants Fernando Miranda and Eduardo Bleier in 1975as head of the detention center 300 Charles in which they were murdered with torture by personnel of the Joint Forces, prosecutor Ricardo Perciballe confirmed to The Observer.
The case was handled by the 27th shift criminal judge, Silvia Urioste, who prosecuted the ex-soldier, head of the Operations Division of the OCOA (Coordinating Organization for Anti-subversive Operations) in 1975, for two crimes of homicide very especially aggravated in real reiteration regime. Urioste also blamed the then commander of Army Division I, General Esteban Christiand his second commander Julio Gonzalez Arrondo.
Ramas is sentenced for the murder of 28 people and for the cause of the Italian justice that investigated the Condor Planfulfill house arrest and is processed by five more cases involving crimes against humanity.
Trial in Rome
Tróccoli, meanwhile, will be judged in Italy by disappearance of Elena Quinteros, Rafaela Filipazzi and her husband José Agustín Potenza on July 14, as decided by the Court of Rome.
The former soldier was one of the fourteen sentenced to life imprisonment for the Italian cause of the Condor Plancompleted in July 2021, in his case for the responsibility in the death of 38 people in the dictatorship.
Tróccoli is the only one of those sentenced for this process who resides in Italy, country to which he emigrated to escape Uruguayan justicewhich also investigated him for crimes committed from 1973 to 1985.
In the new trial against the ex-marine the Uruguayan State will participate as “offended party”which means that may present documentation related to the case but may not participate in the interrogations of the accusedas a civilian participant can do.