Today: February 18, 2025
January 23, 2025
3 mins read

The disgusting “process of change” and the fallacy of the Plurinational State

The Comprehensive Plan for Powerful Major Surgery: A Call to Action for Real Change

Rolando Tellería A.

This January 22, the Movement towards Socialism (MAS) will complete 19 years in the exercise of power, with a brief interregnum, between 2019 and 2020, as a result of the crisis that caused the expulsion of Evo Morales from power, who governed the first 14 years old.
In turn, the Plurinational State, promoted by the MAS and Evo Morales, which begins on January 22, 2010, in the first term with the new Constitution, will be 15 years old. Both, the process of change and the Plurinational State, have an umbilical relationship.

Judging by the results, in that time horizon, with all certainty, it can be said that it has been disastrous. Perhaps the worst, who knows republican history. Meanwhile, the Plurinational State was not only a theater, but a total fallacy.

With leftist and change rhetoric, they not only controlled and squandered the extraordinary and unprecedented economic surplus, but also stole at will from the state bureaucracy, from public investment, from tenders for mega projects and thousands of large and small works. In the first 14 years, they stole in bonanza. In the last five, in crisis. His kleptocratic vocation is superlative. They even steal when purchasing masks.

All the postulates that were shouted to the four winds, from socialism to the protection of Mother Earth, have been pure theater. Their double standards are omnipresent. They lie blatantly. Morales, by the way, is considered one of the most conspicuous liars. Observe the level of liar he is when he claims illness, presenting false medical certificates in the process against him for statutory rape and trafficking. As in the fable of the liar, when he really falls ill, which is most likely due to karma, no one will believe him.

When they raise the curtain, they fervently evoke the Plurinational State. When they lower the curtains, they discriminate and ignore the 35 nations, recognized in the constitution, radically imposing an ethnocentric State. They were and are, to a high degree, segregators with all other nations and sectors that do not share the Massist catechesis. See the injustices and iniquities that were done to the indigenous “brothers” of the lowlands. The intercultural “brothers” expelled them from their lands in the most cruel and merciless way. The word brother has never been heard with such hypocrisy.

That was the massist inclusion that is remembered with so much paraphernalia on each anniversary of the Plurinational State.
To complete this uncomfortable, but imperative balance, let’s see what they did with the way of doing politics, the economy, justice and mother earth.

At an extreme level, worse than their predecessors, the “blue demons” debased politics, acutely affecting the quality of democracy and the rule of law. They not only co-opted the judiciary, they also took over the Electoral Body. With sentences upon request, through the Plurinational Constitutional Court (TCP), they violated the Constitution with impunity. With the Electoral Body, they organized the worst fraud of this democratic cycle, 2019. Due to those paradoxes of life and politics, today Evo Morales is getting a taste of his own medicine, a victim of these two instances of power. Their claims and victimization are unacceptable. He did more “disgusting” things.

Likewise, they prostituted the social movements, the bases of the regime. They denatured them by agreeing with those in power, distributing spaces and quotas in all state bodies. Its leaders, in the prebendal-corporate logic, will experience the addictive honeys of power. With voracious appetite, they benefit from tithes in tenders, contracts and all types of purchases, becoming inexorably perverted. They have instituted a rotten union dictatorship.

Economically, then, they squandered the largest economic surplus we had in our entire history. They did not have the will or the capacity to reinvest the surpluses in the desired diversification of the productive matrix, so as not to depend eternally on natural resources. The volume of the surplus gave the enormous possibility for this historic change. Then, they put an end to the gas that was discovered in the neoliberal cycle. The “Chuquiago boys” got so drunk that they forgot about the search and exploration of new fields. There was no replacement. In 2026, we will not only import gasoline and diesel, we will also buy gas.
In the last period, they destroyed the Net International Reserves (RIN) until reaching a delicate point of illiquidity. There are not enough dollars in cash that are required every day to buy fuel. Likewise, they entered into a pernicious process of internal and external debt. And, to continue squandering, now, they are printing bills.

Later, the incontinences of eternal power corroded justice. The implementation of direct voting for the election of the highest authorities of the judiciary was a complete failure. In the end they decide everything. Like Morales, he handpicked some of the TCP judges. The electoral processes were just a pantomime and waste of money. They do not require virtuous and honest judges. Those selected must follow the line disciplinedly. Justice and the defense of the interests of society were never on his horizon.

Finally, Mother Earth was mortally wounded. Never in the history of Bolivia has there existed a regime, a government and a party that has treated nature with such brutality. There have been 19 years of barbarism with the forests, the rivers and that immense fauna, between birds, reptiles and mammals. It is not enough to call them “ecocides”.

They got rich, they debased politics, they made off with the surplus, they corroded justice and destroyed the environment. That is what they did in these 19 years of the “process of change” and 15 of the Plurinational State.

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