The DGI launched a job call for administrators with salaries of more than $58,000: how to introduce yourself?

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) launched a call to find two administrators (of which one is reserved for “Afro-descendant quota”). Its central function will be to support the Administration by carrying out tax administrative functions in its area of ​​competence, in order to achieve an effective and efficient performance in accordance with the objectives of the Organization.

The positions are designated for 12 months on a provisional basis and after said period and prior evaluation, the official will be permanently appointed to the corresponding budgetary position.

As established in the bases of the call, the remuneration will be $58,379 for 40 hours per week.


The only requirements are to have a valid Identity Document, be a natural or legal citizen under the conditions established in the Constitution of the Republic, be 18 years of age or older at the end of the application period and prove the vote corresponding to the last mandatory electoral act. have current health control (former health card), which must be presented at the time of initial appointment. Finally, to apply, it is necessary to complete the registration form for the Call with the information indicated on the website of the portal “Uruguay Contest”.


According to the bases of the call, the tasks to be carried out will be related to assistance and attention to taxpayers, registration, classification, handling and archiving of data and documents. At the same time, they will focus on serving, assisting, and guiding users, whether in person, by telephone, or via computer (via the web, email). The entrusted tasks will be carried out according to the administrative-tax procedures and the corresponding current regulations. They must also operate the management computer systems, carry out tasks related to information management, carrying out its search, digitization, systematization, registration and control, and prepare reports, minutes, memoranda, official letters, notes, lists and forms, according to models. or instructions received.

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