October 26, 2022, 9:38 AM
October 26, 2022, 9:38 AM
As in his best times, Marco Antonio Etcheverry made the ball smile. The former striker for the Bolivian national team visited coach Nery Quintana and Bolívar goalkeeper Javier Rojas. The visit was pleasant, except when the ‘Devil’ put on his boots and sent Rojas to wallow.
Etcheverry missed on the first shot, and Rojas responded on the second. Quintana pressed the idol of many: “mmm teacher.” But the third shot unleashed the admiration of those present and they heard a “what a son of your mother!”, who doubted Marco.
The ball took effect and moved away from Rojas. Unattackable first goal for Etcheverry. From that point on, it was all about the former player. He ended up scoring four goals against Rojaswho had to settle for the save and the deflected shot.
It all ended with a fraternal hug between the current Bolívar goalkeeper and the former attacker of the 1994 World Cup team. The ‘Devil’ left evidence again of the great player he was, and of all the magic that his left loot carried.