Patricia Bullrich and Horacio Rodríguez Larretatwo prominent figures of the PRO, starred in a strong confrontation on social networks that revealed the internal tensions of the party. This confrontation occurs in a context of negotiations with La Libertad Avanza (LLA) ahead of the 2025 elections, and has generated a series of reactions, including that of President Javier Milei.
The conflict between Patricia Bullrich and Rodriguez Larreta It intensified following the escape of 17 prisoners from a police station in Liniers, City of Buenos Aires. Bullrich, current Minister of Security, blamed Rodríguez Larreta for not having completed the construction of a prison during his tenure as head of the Buenos Aires Government.
In an interview, Bullrich He stated that “for three years the City should have finished a prison that it did not finish, that was generating a stock of prisoners in police stations.” Rodríguez Larreta did not take long to respond through his X account (formerly Twitter), accusing Bullrich of lying and misinforming citizens.
“Patricia, don’t lie. The prison you’re talking about is and always was the responsibility of the National Government. More than a year ago, it was your responsibility and you didn’t put a single brick in it.” This exchange of accusations escalated quickly, with Bullrich calling Rodríguez Larreta a “political corpse” and someone “lukewarm, mediocre and subservient to the corrupt caste while the country was set on fire.”
The president Javier Milei He did not stay out of this confrontation. Milei, who has maintained a good relationship with Bullrich, retweeted and celebrated his comments, highlighting that beating Rodríguez Larreta in the 2023 PASO was a lethal blow to the old politics that ruined the country.
Furthermore, Milei recalled when Rodríguez Larreta reproached him for “the increase in poor people that the K generated,” but “he said nothing about the recent fall in poverty.” This crossing occurs at a critical moment for the PRO, which faces an increasingly intense internal conflict.
Patricia Bullrich and Rodríguez Larreta, although far from the party founded by Mauricio Macri, maintain links with certain sectors of that force. Bullrich is the main link between the ruling party and the “dialogue” space, while Rodríguez Larreta has sought to maintain his influence in Buenos Aires politics.
The dispute is also part of the negotiations with La Libertad Avanza to form an alliance for the 2025 elections. The Minister has worked intensely on the integration of her space with LLA, formalizing the first alliance between both political groups.
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