Deputy Alberto Anaya Gutierrez, from the Labor Party, was in charge of the government group. For Social Development, Marco Rosendo Medina Filigrana, from Morena. In Economic Development was Alfredo Ismael Hernández from the PRI; for the Federalized Expenditure working group, Leticia Zepeda Martinez, from the National Action Party (PAN).
Meanwhile, for the Budget working group with a gender perspective, Mirza Flores Gomez from Movimiento Ciudadano, and for the Budget group with a sustainable development perspective, Juan Luis Carrillo Soberanis from the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM).
Create Subcommittee for Budget with Gender Perspective
The deputies in the Budget Committee also approved with 42 votes in favor the creation of the Subcommittee for Budget with a Gender Perspective, whose objective is to guarantee and strengthen the gender perspective in the Federal Expenditure Budget (PEF), and in general of the budget cycle, including the analysis of initiatives related to this issue.
The subcommission will have to address the strengthening of public resources to eliminate discrimination between women and men. Also analyze the differentiated effect that public spending has on men and women.
On Tuesday, July 12, the board of directors of this Commission approved by agreement the plural and proportional integration of this budget subcommittee with a gender perspective, being as follows.
Laura Imelda Pérez Segura, from Morena as coordinator. Ana Elizabeth Ayala Leyva, from Morena. Nancy Yadira Santiago Marcos de Morena; Alberto Villa Villegas, from Morena; Sonia Rocha Acosta of the PAN; Leticia Zepeda Martinez, from the PAN; Blanca María del Socorro Alcalá Ruiz, from the PRI; Juan Carlos Natale Lopez, from the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico; Amadeo Espinosa Ramos of the PT; Niza Gomez Flores from the Movimiento Ciudadano party, in addition to Edna Gisel Diaz Acevedo, from the PRD.