In this last position, some who are seeking that nomination say that it is possible to speak from US$ 15 million, which would have to be spent in elections, because only on the day of the elections, US$ 5 million must be available for cover all the tables with observers who prevent a certain sector from taking the votes of the other.
A formula to get out of this would be for all Paraguayans to be registered in the register and willing to be subjects drawn by lottery before an election, for there to be no party-based representation, but for each person sitting at a polling station be, simply, the result of some elections that were carried out within the electoral register in each municipality, in each place where they are voted.
With this we would be avoiding spending US$5 million, as Euclides Acevedo says, and we could concentrate the task of seeking adhesion and the vote on the basis of the candidate’s convictions, ideas, flags and coherence.
Otherwise, this is a great marketing, a vote racket where only those who have money can participate, those who do not, can have very good intentions, but if they do not have anyone to take care of the tables, they will end up stealing the votes.
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The entrance The cost of the chair was first published in The Independent.