Last week, the Congress of Mayors held its 23rd Plenary Session in the city of Artigas, an opportunity in which the body received the president of Antel Ing. Gabriel Gurméndez, who spoke on the subject of connectivity at the national level and also made a report of situation between the departmental governments on the “Plan Avanzar” Program, executive plan of the settlements program.
The departmental head of Florida, Guillermo López, was in charge of presenting the draft decree for the regulation of the points-based driver’s license, which will be submitted to the Executive Power.
To the document could be added the proposal of the mayor of Durazno, Carmelo Vidalín, to lower the age at which a driver’s license is accessed.
Both proposals will be dealt with jointly by the Traffic Commission of the Congress of Mayors and the departmental governments. If there are no modifications, the national government will define it and raise the decree.
According to El País, an agreement is expected to be reached at the next plenary meeting of the Congress of Mayors on October 15 in Montevideo. It is believed that Vidalín’s proposal could extend the agreement since there is still no unanimous position.
With the book by points, the Single Vehicle Revenue Collection System (Sucive) will issue a digital background certificate with the driver’s administrative history, fines and changes in vehicle category. There will be a single permit that will include all vehicle categories.
By obtaining the driver’s license, 8 points are obtained that can be increased to 12 after three years if the driver does not have fines. In total you can reach 15 points.
With a serious or very serious infraction, the points are lost and if in the following two or three years, depending on the case, no points are lost, the initial 12 points will be returned. Drivers must take road reeducation courses to recover credits.
If all points are lost, the driver must obtain a new permit.
Drivers who already have a driving license will have a balance of 8 or 12 points depending on each case from the first day the new system comes into effect.
On the other hand, it is expected to eliminate the administrative restrictions to access the professional driving license, as explained by the general director of Vehicle Affairs, César García, to the morning paper. In addition, people who suffer from some limitation may appeal their condition of “unfit” to drive before a medical court that will evaluate case by case whether or not it merits granting the license.
An “abbreviated process” is also defined for the payment of fines with a term of 60 days to pay it with a 30% discount and without being recorded in the Registry of Drivers and Infractions.