During the afternoon, the DNCP published that the company R y F Sa Comercial Industria was awarded for a total value of G. 833,500,000, and managed to win the tender for Lco No. 27/21 Acquisition of Office and Computer Equipment for the mspybs. with the ID 402.967. For this tender, offers began to be received on Friday, February 18, 2022.
The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (MSPBS) was the institution in charge of carrying out the Call for Tenders No. 402,967 under the category of Computer, Office, Educational, Printing, Communication and Signage Equipment, Accessories and Programsby the type of Bid Contest procedure.
The aforementioned institution awarded 1 item.
- 100 Notebook units with a unit price of G. 8,335,000
The aforementioned firm’s legal representative is Adriana Maria Vaesken González.
One more company came to the call: Parasoft SRL.
Source: DNCP