In the course of the morning, the DNCP published that the company Coaseguro Patria SA de Seguros y Reaseguros and Aseguradora Yacyreta SA de Seguros was awarded for a total value of G. 19,419,892,356, and managed to win the tender for Hiring Insurance Against All Risk – Plurianuals.BE – Second Call with ID 405.345. For this tender, offers began to be received on Thursday, January 13, 2022.
Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) was the institution in charge of carrying out the Call for Tenders No. 405,345 under the category of Insurance, by the type of National Public Bidding procedure.
The aforementioned institution awarded 17 items.
The aforementioned firm has Liz Mariela Gaona, Pablo Parra García and Reynaldo Oporto Leiva as legal representatives.
Two more companies appeared at the call: Aseguradora del Esté SA de Seguros and La Consolidada Sa de Seguros.
Source: DNCP