Home South AmericaParaguay The company Automotive Sa Importadora y Exportadora was awarded G. 310,931,400

The company Automotive Sa Importadora y Exportadora was awarded G. 310,931,400

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During the afternoon, the DNCP published that the company Automotive Sa Importadora y Exportadora was awarded for a total value of G. 310,931,400, managed to win the tender for the Acquisition of Batteries and Covers for Ambulances and Various Mobile Phones of Ips with the ID 392,602. For this tender, offers began to be received on Thursday, November 4, 2021.

Instituto de Previsión Social (IPS) was the institution in charge of carrying out the Call for Tenders No. 392,602 under the category of Electrical, Metallic and Non-Metallic Materials and Supplies, Plastics, Rubber. Spare Parts, Tools, Cameras and Covers.by the type of National Public Bidding procedure.

The aforementioned institution awarded 19 items.

The aforementioned firm has as legal representative Alejandro Agustin Bellon Genes and Danilo Bellon.

Automotive Sa Importadora y Exportadora was the only company that presented the call.

Source: DNCP

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