In November, the Consumer Confidence Index (ICC) published by Fedesarrollo in its Consumer Opinion Survey stood at -24.8%.
The fall was 5.3 pps, since in October the Consumer Confidence Index was -19.5%.
(See: Consumer confidence drop deepens).
In November In 2021, the ICC was barely -1.4%.
To measure this indicator, two variables are taken into account that also They showed setbacks.
The first, with a pronounced negative performance, is the Consumer Expectations Index, which decreased 7.2 pps, going from 7.3% to 14.5% between October and November.
(See: Consumer confidence ‘in free fall’ during October 2022).
In November of last year it was positive and was at 6.4%.
On the other hand, the index of Economic conditions, decreases 2.3%, but has the most unfavorable level. In October it was -37.9% and in November it reached -40.2%. For the penultimate month of last year that variable was -13.1%.
In November, the ICC decreased in Bogotá, Medellín, Bucaramanga and Barranquilla, compared to October 2022.
Compared to the previous month, it had a decrease of 1.1 pps in Medellín, 8.4 pps in Bucaramanga, 8.2 in Bogotá and 19.9 pps in Barranquilla.
On the other hand, the Indicator had an increase of 3.2 pps in Cali.
Regarding the behavior of the ICC by socioeconomic levels, the conclusion is that the greatest decreases are noted in the high and medium groups.
(See: Dane consumer confidence improved in August: it reached 35.7).
In the first it went from -36.7 to -58.2, while in the middle it went from -17.9 to -26.7. In the low, the indicator remained at -19.1.
The survey also shows larger decreases in the willingness to buy housing, durable goods and vehicles.
For example, in the case of cars, for October it was -67.3% and for the following month it went to -70.1%.
(See: Why consumer confidence has improved).
In housing, the decrease is greaterof 6.1 pps, going from -36.6% to -42.7%, respectively.