The one who goes to party and caravan is the Palace Tamer, who had to do somersaults and the occasional somersault to show off the economic news released this Wednesday by one of those “conservative” international firms. It turns out that the US agency Standard and Poor’s finally announced a good one: Mexico’s credit outlook improved from negative to stable. Neither slow nor lazy, the owners of the icing circus put up reflectors to show off the data… Without a doubt, the public applauded the news, but among the seats there were also those who remembered those days when the tamer himself said that the parameters of the qualifiers were no longer the Bible because they used methodologies from 30 years ago with which they left the notes of the sovereign and Pemex in a bad way. No, those days are behind him and now he has redeemed them with the reliable recipe: “hugs, not criticism.” Thus, in a juggling act, the Tamer He came out to applaud, via Twitter, the agency’s recognition of his government’s economic policies. Surely other companies, which have been the object of harsh observations in the icing tent, have already seen the formula to be exonerated… Will others join?