Adults and children were attacked “indiscriminately” by the French police on the outskirts of Saint Denis on the day of the final to contain them, before the avalanche of people for the sale of false tickets, robberies and assault on the stadium.
READ MORE: UEFA commissions an independent study on the incidents in Paris
According to this independent reportwhich will be analyzed tonight on the BBC, some schools had to provide psychologists for the children who attended the final due to the psychological damage caused by being caught in the crowd and being pepper-sprayed.
In total, according to the lead author of the study, Professor Phil Scraton, testimonials were collected from chundreds of people present during the incident in Paris.
“Many people have told us that they haven’t slept for days, that their children needed psychological help. Others needed physical treatment in hospitals, and many spoke of emotional damage, such as anxiety or nightmares,” Scraton said in the study.
UEFA will publish its own report next month.
The entrance The Champions League final left “people traumatized” by pepper spray was first published in diary TODAY.