The Justicialist Party (P.J.) of the province of Buenos Aires has called for a unity summit that will bring together three of the most prominent figures of Peronism: former president Cristina Kirchner, Buenos Aires governor Axel Kicillof and the leader of the Renovador Front, Sergio Massa.
This meeting of P.J.which will take place in the municipality of Moreno tomorrow, Monday, has as its main objective to seek a framework of agreement within Peronism in view of next year’s elections.
The summit of unity occurs at a time of marked internal tension within Peronism. Since the assumption of Javier Milei as president, the different sides of Peronism have shown significant differences in terms of political strategy and party leadership.
The call for this meeting responds to the need to unify criteria and strengthen the internal cohesion of the party. The call was made by the representatives of the Buenos Aires PJ, Teresa García, Facundo Tignanelli, Ulises Giménez and Eduardo López Wesselhoefft.
In the letter sent to the members of the party council, the importance of the presence of Cristina Kirchner, Axel Kicillof and Sergio Massa is highlighted to achieve consensus and outline a common strategy.
Cristina Kirchnerwho recently assumed the presidency of the national Justicialista Party, is a central figure in Peronism and his participation in the summit is seen as a gesture of leadership and commitment to party unity.
Agenda items
Axel Kicilloffor his part, has been a key actor in Buenos Aires politics and his relationship with Cristina Kirchner and La Cámpora is fundamental for the balance of power within the party. Sergio Massa, leader of the Frente Renovador and former presidential candidate, also plays a crucial role in shaping Peronism ahead of the next elections..
The agenda of the summit P.J. includes three main points: reading and consideration of the minutes of the previous meeting, a report from the legislative bloc and an analysis of the current political situation. This last point is especially relevant, since it will allow the leaders of Peronism to discuss and evaluate the electoral scenario and the strategies to follow to face the country’s political and economic challenges.
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