The Buenos Aires Government agreed this Monday with the unions that represent state workers, teachers, doctors and the judiciary two new wage increases, in October and November, of 8 percentage points each, and that the December increase floor will be raised for guarantee a 90% increase in all regimes.
Additionally, as of October, the amounts collected for family allowances will rise by 50% in relation to those in force in September.
The sections will continue to adjust automatically, as agreed in the March joint session.
I also know together with the unions, defined the reopening of the joint venture by the end of December, to close the 2022 negotiation.
The joint meeting was held at the Government House, in La Plata, and was headed by Governor Axel Kicillof; the labor ministers, Walter Correa; of Treasury, Pablo López; and of Education, Alberto Sileoni.
The unions that make up the Buenos Aires Teaching Unity Front (Suteba, Feb, Amet, Sadop, Udocba and Uda) participated in the meeting, representing the state workers of Law 10,430, the doctors of Cicop and the judicial ones of the AJB.
The province and the unions signed last February an agreement that contemplated an increase of 42%, which in May rose to 60%.
Then, in September, 10% was added.
Faced with the growth of inflation, recently the unions called for a wage recomposition to prevent workers from losing purchasing power.