While article 34 states that during the three days prior to the revocation of the mandate and until the official closing of the voting booths throughout the country, the publication or dissemination of surveys, in whole or in part, that are intended to give to know the preferences of citizens or any other act of dissemination.
The ban in six states
Seven days before the recall exercise, that is, on April 3, the electoral campaigns will begin in Aguascalientes, Durango, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo and Tamaulipas, in which the governorship will be renewed. The elections will be on June 5.
In such a way that the electoral ban period will be from June 2 to 4, while from April 3 to June 5 all government propaganda must be suspended except those related to education, health and civil protection in case of emergency.
The foregoing, according to article 41 section C of the Magna Carta, which establishes that: “During the time that the federal and local electoral campaigns comprise and until the conclusion of the respective election day, the dissemination in the social media of all government propaganda.
This provision must be complied with by the three orders of government and any other public entity, with the exception of information campaigns by electoral authorities, those related to educational and health services, or those necessary for civil protection in cases of emergency.
General Law of Electoral Institutions and Procedures in its article 210, states that the distribution or placement of electoral propaganda must respect the legal times established for each case, its withdrawal or end of distribution must be carried out three days before Election Day .