It is the construction of a feature film with 6 short films based on adaptations of stories that portray stories from the time of the colonization of the North American West – all with a Western face. Each story has a narrative approach where those caustic humor approaches so present in the style of the Coen brothers stand out, as well as certain allegories to make explicit deep reflections, and also those plots that try to surprise us with absurd endings in which the characters fall and the stories end. . The common denominator of all the stories is death, and of states or attitudes or behaviors or behaviors of the characters where they are victims or perpetrators, but almost always victims of the destiny that we all have, characters in a constant struggle with themselves, always having to decide how to move forward without the burdens of the past. This is how we are confronted with symbologies of the ego, or the confrontation between barbarism and knowledge, or the greed for gold, or the religious attitudes of the Methodist and Episcopal stamp, but also a lesson about life in the final story when the characters discuss their judgments about life and death while advancing in a carriage (whose staging takes us back to the film La Diligencia, 1939, directed by John Ford), the wise narrative begins with the beginning of the night on a trip that brings us closer to an atmosphere of terror, very well carried by the splendid cinematography and the musical support – we remember the shot of the coachman driving the horses in a mad rush while a passenger asks him to stop, but he doesn’t because as another character says “It never stops. It’s the norm.” Well, suspense is your best tool for the development of key actions and conflicts in each story, because from the first one that gives the universe its title and sets the tone, we already sense that the leading characters will have a disastrous ending. And all the tragedies have a visual counterpoint of imposing beauty of the settings and environments in which the plots take place, with perfectly justified framing and angles. The six paintings show us to a great extent what that implacable colonization of the North American West was like: robberies and assaults, lynchings, summary trials by a self-appointed judge, bank robbery, caravans of artists, duels between gunmen, battles between cowboys and Indians, bounty hunters, fight to the death for gold. On Netflix.
HHHH Genre: Western. Duration: 132 minutes.
The entrance The Ballad of Buster Scruggs was first published on newspaper the caribbean.