“In 2019 and 2020, the federal government made available resources from the Budgetary Income Stabilization Fund (FEIP), to address the drop in income provided for in the Federal Income Law in these years. To date, the fund has little availability, for this reason, there will be fewer resources to face a situation similar to that of these years”, refers the ASF.
In addition, by 2022 no new taxes will be incorporated and the collection will be supported by improvements in the current tax framework, in order to provide certainty for the performance of economic activities, encourage investment and favor the path of recovery, he explained.
Raise quality of spending
Given the prospect that spending pressures will continue to guarantee health, pensions and the payment of the financial cost, the ASF reiterated the need to raise the quality of spending by reviewing the programmatic structure by the executors of spending.
For this, the government must consider the results of the performance audits of the ASF, in accordance with the principles of the Results-Based Budget and the Performance Evaluation System, as well as what is stated in article 134 of the Constitution.
The foregoing with the objective of “that the Federation’s Expenditure Budget is consistent with income and financing in a sustainable trajectory, and allows the expansion of the federal government’s margin of maneuver to increase productive public investment,” he added.
With information from Dainzú Patiño.