Ukraine has finally been the grass over which two elephants fight. Leaders of the government that came to power after the 2014 coup against Yanukovych were emboldened by constant encouragement from NATO, an organization that kept announcing that it would do anything to uphold Kiev’s position. At zero hour, Western alliances are summed up in economic sanctions against Russia and its ruling leadership and Biden’s promise that she will not intervene in the war. It is not that the United States precisely respects international law, but that it never cared about Ukrainian lives or the stability of the region, a position evidenced in the expansionism of the Atlanticists towards the east and in the establishment of military bases on the border with Moscow, as well as in the sale of arms to Ukraine. Except that, on the geopolitical chessboard, the sovereignty of Kiev is not important for the Americans, but rather a mere pretext, a hostage to bring about a set of circumstances.
If you look closely, the establishment of economic sanctions to remove Russia from the global market and prevent it from developing and trading in currencies is more important to Washington than the defense of the Ukrainian government. This goal is achieved. In addition, the West manages to maintain the international political system of Yalta, with Europe dependent on the United States through energy obsolescence and the purchase of gas, an element that was in danger with the start-up of NORD STREAM 2. For this, NATO is assured of its existence as a North American armed wing and a globalist army, since its “need” will be constantly brandished against a Russia classified as an aggressor. The European Union has no other option but to continue paying exorbitant prices for fuel to North American companies, for which its weakening as a bloc will increase as well as its subservience to the United States. With the sanctions, Russia and China will close ranks and the integration process of Europe and the West with the economic expansion of the Eurasian powers slows down, which gives the Americans time to regroup their forces and return to compete in a commercial race that they are losing. The Silk Road, after the isolation between Europe and Russia, will be damaged and the project of the Eurasian island is stopped for now.
The dynamics of the world economy as it had been developing in times of peace was going to benefit the transfer of power to China, because the United States no longer leads the productive, commercial and financial processes. The fictitious power of the Americans is based on the treaty system derived from Yalta, the presence of the dollar as world currency and the existence of its army as the maximum planetary force. All these conditions could disappear in a period of ten years. A major event was needed to stop Eurasian growth, a pretext that would paralyze the reconfiguration of the international order and give Washington the opportunity to preserve the political figures derived from Yalta. Biden is a globalist president par excellence who favors those policies directed with imperial logic, even if they are detrimental to the republic. Financial capital made up of private fortunes, companies and power lobbies is using the remnants of US power to delay the growth of other ways of doing politics and using resources. Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia, the Baltic republics, etc., are nothing more than cheap tokens, which are bought with promises such as entering the European Union, where they would have access to bank credits and economic and commercial facilities.
Now there is another hypothesis of conflict, encouraged by the Western media: that of “evil” Russia, enemy of peace and civilization, a pretext for US companies and their military-industrial complex to sell weapons. If on September 11, 2001 the ghost was Islamic terrorism, now it will be the tension with Moscow. Under this premise, Westerners will ask for an open letter to impose themselves internationally, isolating their global and regional enemies, using any means to implement interventionist policies and passing over any hint of legality or legitimacy of international law. Peace and stability are argued as causes, but they are trampled on in practice and denigrated militarily. Washington’s skill has been in provoking Moscow as much as possible to make it look like an aggressor. Ukraine, urged by international credits, has lent itself to this geopolitical game without thinking about its people and the consequences.
Hypocritically, we will now see the British talking about Russian imperialism, Americans brandishing the flag of progressivism against a supposed autocrat Putin who imposes himself by force, we will see Atlanticists babbling about global peace. The hard part of all this is how it has played with the patience of an atomic power that has the second largest military force in the world, without taking into account that a mistake could make us extinct as a species. Extractive and globalist capitalism is not managed from humanist or rational logics, but from very particular and selfish interests that use the springs of politics. Biden has been known to be compromised by the military industrial lobby since he financed his election campaign. Therefore, the president must carry out an aggressive agenda, creating new scenarios of conflict after the resounding withdrawal from Afghanistan and the failure in Syria. The same is happening with the oil and gas lobby that benefits from this war in Ukraine and from the imposition of measures that make Europe dependent on US fuels. Meanwhile, the falsehood in the UN Security Council will point to Russia as solely responsible, ignoring the many times that Ukraine entered the rebel provinces of Donbass with blood and fire, promoting ethnic cleansing. Violent actions that were encouraged by the West, knowing that they were the spark that would set the countryside on fire. This double standard of the United States and NATO reaches the point of comparing Putin with Hitler, when it was the Westerners who, from 1991 to today, carried out the greatest massacres of civilians. In fact, right now, Julian Assange, a hero of free journalism, is waiting to be sentenced to 175 years by the Biden regime, since he is not forgiven for revealing US war crimes during the invasion of Iraq.
What is left for humanity? Both the globalist postmodern left financed by George Soros-style NGOs, and hardline factions of conservative neoliberalism like the Bush clan are on the same side supporting Washington in its anti-Russia crusade. Interests speak above ideologies, in fact, we can no longer explain these phenomena in the dichotomies of left and right, but between the globalist agenda and the projects that resist it and that constitute a stumbling block for the goal of a single governance towards 2030 raised by organizations such as the UN. The totalizing power of the West collides with the obstacles of its own economic decline and the obsolete nature of the international political mechanisms emanating from Yalta. It is a world where Europe is crumbling as a world power, where England tries to re-edit the Empire after Brexit, where Biden defends the notion of North American exceptionality (that is, it is normal for them to do what they want with other countries). The ideological options have yielded and today there are only positions based on interests.
However, the world cannot be explained from notions vitiated by the dominant media positions, but the hypothesis of material benefits will have to be used to determine where the positions of political actors are. According to this, neither the poor nor the rich benefit from a planetary destruction, so it can be assumed that the rope will be tightened, but it will not break. The irrationality, the stupidity of the prevailing system in the globe leads us, on the other hand, to be skeptical. Now, the word Ukraine will be repeated in billions of cables, it will be in the networks at the top of the debate topics, but the real causes and the actors that drive the conflict will not appear, no one or very few will blame them. In the media, the West had been preparing for the current scenario and will use it at will in the coming years. The error lies in believing that Russia and China do not have the capacity to respond or that humanity is so anesthetized that it will be unable to understand what it is all about. Decades of bombing and cultural warfare have done their part in achieving an amorphous and non-thinking mass, but the spark of reason remains inherent to the people and the dream can end.
The CIA’s MK Ultra project is an effective mechanism in the fabrication of ideological false positives. It is about imposing a warmongering agenda and justifying Western causes on global minds. Right now, the anti-Russian conflict hypothesis is underway according to this working logic. Mountains of headlines, disqualifications, cultural products, columns and mercenary journalists will bury any glimmer of clarity and, if a direct confrontation with Moscow has to be reached, there will also be those who manage said crazy proceeding. The truth and all its ethical derivations have been lying in a grave for a long time. The entire globalist framework works under the commands and guidelines of the Empire, that is, of that single entity capable of establishing a totalizing power that paralyzes and controls, that justifies and creates alternative realities far removed from political objectivity.
Right now, more than governing, money dictates and we are at the gates of the fight for a new world order, which is being debated between the West and Eurasia, between the United States and China, between Yalta and a new system of treaties that respond to prevailing multipolar reality. The UN consensus has been broken and it remains to wait for reconfigurations and alliances. Meanwhile, Ukraine will continue among elephants, even if life depends on it.