Investigations into money laundering must continue firmly and decisively, but on our side. The argument of wanting to involve the United States in matters of justice is laudatory on the one hand -since it is a transnational crime- but on the other hand it gives the impression, the feeling that we cannot against our thieves and our bandits ; that we only need people from outside to put them on the line, when Paraguay has the situation in which it finds itself with a Prosecutor’s Office that is absolutely subservient to one of the two sectors, and people who should investigate with greater emphasis on these issues; and also the hesitant attitude of the US embassy itself, we imagine that people are frustrated and there is a desire to find solutions to all this.
What we would have to see are the concrete actions to see in what way we really care -and our allies in the world care- about these issues.
If we see that it is simply a scandal that by repeated ends up ceasing to be transcendent, we will have convinced ourselves again that all this has no solution.
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The entrance that is not customary was first published in The Independent.