The Public Ministry, following a request from the Undersecretary of State for Taxation (SET), carried out a total of 10 raids at various points in Asunción and in the Central Department, on Monday morning.
The objective was to dismantle a criminal gang that was dedicated to the production of false invoices to achieve tax evasion for its clients.
The striking thing is that the procedure began eight months ago when a grandfather appeared before the SET, to denounce that he could not collect his pension because he is registered as a taxpayer, according to Óscar Orué, deputy minister of the SET, in an interview with the 1080 A.M.
From there, the SET initiates an investigation where it carried out a traceability of data, which resulted in a number of people appearing as taxpayers without knowing it. This affects several companies, including some well-known ones such as Engineering by Juan Andrés Campos Cervera.
It should be noted that the false invoice is when a person pretending to be a taxpayer is registered and the owner does not know of its existence. There are a number of people registered like this.
A grandfather came and reported that he was registered in taxation. He stated that he never registered, so the SET began traceability and detected a large scheme of registered people who do not know it.
“He wanted to collect his pension for the elderly and could not do so because he was registered in taxation. He was not engaged in any commercial activity. This is how the process began”, explained Orué.
Thus, the SET investigated in a general way, until reaching the ramifications and finally the very large companies that bill millions, such as Engineering SAECA
Regarding the grandfather’s case, his accounting was carried out in a very good way since the scheme was very well set up. Selling him off was fine just not to arouse suspicion.