A road expected for decades by populated centers and native communities is about to be realized, it is the JU-115 highway corresponding to the project to improve and expand the interurban road passability service in the Palmas de Ipoki CP, Las Palmas Ipoki section – Colonia Huanca district of Pichanaqui, province of Chanchamayo with CUI 2649436, which the Junín Regional Government has just launched for public bidding for its construction.
execution. For this project, S/25,472,587.50 will be invested as part of the Agrarian Revolution initiative, which seeks to strategically connect hundreds of families in the central jungle who, for many years, demanded the execution of the work to improve the connectivity and agricultural competitiveness of the area.
Among the components of the work, there will be the construction of pavements in 34 km, ditches, bridges and an environmental mitigation plan. The delivery of the Good Pro is scheduled for February 3 of next year, as can be seen on the page of the Electronic State Contracting System (SEACE).
“We are closing the year with new works and projects underway, a clear example of the fulfillment of our commitment to the agricultural sector,” remarked Zósimo Cárdenas Muje.