The Telica volcano, located in the department of León and one of the most active colossi in Nicaragua, began to register explosions and “small exhalations of gases, steam and ashes” in the last few hours, warned the General Directorate of Geology and Geophysics of the Institute Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies (Ineter), through a preliminary volcanic note that it shared on its website.
The colossus of more than 1,000 meters high, until 10 pm this Monday, January 13, according to the Ineter report, registered 69 exhalations, which generated the expulsion of gases, ashes and steam.
The column of gases and ashes expelled by Telica rose about 200 meters from the mouth of the volcano and spread towards the southwest, according to the Ineter explanation.
Ineter also observed the expulsion of rocks “at high temperatures”, which reached approximately 50 meters from the edge of the crater and remained on the slopes of the Telica volcano.
They prohibit going up to the crater
Given the possibility that this activity in the volcano continues, the Ineter authorities ordered “to avoid ascents to the volcano’s crater, since explosions similar or stronger than those that occurred can suddenly continue to be generated, with possible expulsion of rock fragments.” volcanic and ash.
It also recommended “caution in the surrounding communities within a 10-kilometer radius, given that the range of the eruptive columns and the impact from ash fall could increase.”
“Until this moment, this activity does not represent any major danger to the population,” Ineter clarified, indicating that it will report “any change in the behavior of the volcano that endangers the population.”