Home CaribbeanDominican Republic Technical table will promote RD to become a logistics hub

Technical table will promote RD to become a logistics hub

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Mesa técnica impulsará RD convertirse en hub logístico

They analyzed the main challenges and advances in terms of air connectivity, to and from the Dominican Republic for cargo handling.

The General Director of Customs, Eduardo Sanz Lovatón, held a meeting with representatives of the main exporting companies, free zones, airport operators, airlines and cargo handlers in the country, to motivate them to exploit the advantages of importing and exporting merchandise by air.

During the meeting, a technical table was formed, with representatives of the entire logistics sector, to achieve synergy between the public and private sectors.

Sanz Lovatón assured that the main players in the logistics sector join forces with the aim of turning the country into an international air cargo hub, which represents the most dynamic form of commercial exchange between countries.

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He stressed that the country’s cargo movement capacity is a strength that must be exploited at its highest level.

At the technical meeting of the DGA and experts in the storage and transport of cargo, as well as representatives of airlines and airports, analyzed the main challenges and advances in terms of air connectivity, to and from the Dominican Republic and, in turn, the advantages of transporting merchandise by that way.

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