Three complaints were filed by the Electoral Court (TE), this Thursday, October 20, before the General Electoral Prosecutor’s Office (FGE), for computer crimes, identity theft and the irregular manipulation of digital media.
The national director of the Electoral Organization, Osman Valdés, was in charge of presenting these complaints in order to investigate the possible commission of a contravention for the validation of false endorsement signatures by activists who used the application (app) for the collection of signatures erroneously designed by the TE and two electoral penalties for the FGE to investigate the possible commission of electoral computer crimes related to identity theft in digital procedures before the TE by activists who engaged in malicious activity, in addition to the manipulation of digital media for the purpose of affecting the integrity of the electoral process.
According to the TE, the application (app) for collecting signatures to support pre-candidates «is a reliable technological tool that is equivalent to the digital version of a mobile book, with the advantage that it performs an instant biometric validation of the people who They give support.”
They highlighted that the complaints were filed due to the negligence of some activists and candidates when using the app and manipulating information to alter the trustworthiness of citizens in the applications developed by the TE in compliance with its constitutional and legal powers, ahead of the Election. General of May 5, 2022, convened by Decree 29 of May 30, 2022, published in the Electoral Court Bulletin 5065 of May 31, 2022.