The Vice President of the Electoral Court of Concepción, María Dalida Leiva, gave a talk on the importance of Electronic Voting addressed to students of the San Antonio de Padua Educational Center in Coronel Oviedo.
It highlighted to young people the importance of knowing how to vote, with a view to the next elections; I also emphasize the importance of the new generations participating and being interested in political spheres.
On the other hand, the Superior Court of Electoral Justice (TSJE) has been promoting intense training for a few months with a view to the internal elections on December 18 and thus also to the national elections of 2023. These days represent the prelude to the tasks of disseminating electronic voting to electoral agents and the general public.
The tasks are currently aimed at officials who work in offices in the interior of the country, specifically in the departments of Presidente Hayes, Caazapá, Guairá, Caaguazú, Misiones, Paraguarí, Itapúa, Concepción, Boquerón and Canindeyú.