The Tacna region ranked second in budget execution at the local government level. In sum, the 28 municipalities of Tacna managed to execute 81.8% of the 790’922,343 soles that were part of their modified institutional budget, which amounted to 646’589,658 soles.
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This is the panorama presented by the transparency portal of the Ministry of Economy and Finance at the close of the 2024 budget year. The first place was occupied by the municipalities of Cusco with 86% execution and third, Moquegua, with 80%.
Ranking of municipalities in the Tacna region
As has already been reported within the Tacna region, the municipality that achieved the highest execution, of 100%, of its investment budget was the district commune of Ilabaya, which earned 148,473,197 soles for works. In second place is the Municipality of Quilahuani, which executed 99% of the 6,707,189 soles. The Municipality of Ite continues with 98.3% of the 71’230,065 soles. In fourth place is the commune of Gregorio Albarracín with an execution of 94.1% of the 142,847,303 soles it had for works.
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The municipality of Pocollay is in seventh place with an execution of 88.9% of its 17,809,496 soles. The Provincial Municipality of Tacna was ranked 12th with an execution of 80.5% of the 41,843,340 soles.
Communes with low budget execution
Further down is the Municipality of Ciudad Nueva with an execution of 67.7% of the 39,730,311 soles and the District Municipality of Alto de la Alianza is in 19th place by executing 66.9% of its budget for works amounting to 36,301,177 suns.
In the opinion of the master in public management Jaime Bautista Aquino, as a result of the results in municipal public management, it is necessary and urgent to reengineer the administrative, operational, functional and personnel management in the municipalities.
“The quality and efficiency of municipal public spending will be achieved by implementing results-based management, which will allow mayors to work with greater efficiency, effectiveness and quality, achieving a positive impact on the lives of citizens and guaranteeing sustainable development,” he noted. Bautista Aquino.