Representatives of different galleries and textile clothing associations in Tacna today staged a “sit-in” at the Tacna Civic Center demanding the attention of the Central Government to achieve its economic reactivation.
Enrique Zegarra Alanguía, representative of the Julio Rospigliosi gallery, explained that the measure is taken in support of his colleagues in Lima who are making a request to the government to revive the sector that is abandoned after COVID-19.
They demand to create CITE Textil
In the case of Tacna, he said, the creation of CITE Textil is being requested, which is a training center to train young people to have a qualified workforce and to be able to export their products to the international market.
They also request the expansion of the purchase executing nuclei, since currently only two are in activity, that of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Defense. They claimed that other large institutions that have nuclei executing purchases but are not active, such is the case of Essalud, Produce, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Education.
“They do not make purchase requirements, but they do it through companies in Lima that are tied up and do not support micro and small businesses at all”denounced Enrique Zegarra.
Support to get out of the crisis
They stated that, for example, the Ministry of Defense has issued calls for purchases to a total of 800 micro and small companies, for uniforms for the Army, Air Force, Navy and other agencies, which is a great support for the reactivation economic.
“We need this support to get out of the pandemic crisis, in Tacna there are more than 1,500 organic Mypes that are registered with Sunat, not counting those that are in the informal sector, each one has at least 10 workers”, highlighted the leader.
He added that the reactivation after the pandemic is still at 20%, so the support of the government is imperative to survive.