Behind the departure of Leo Cocinero from the Gaia tribe from ‘Survivor, the island of celebrities’, The atmosphere was a little tense among the participants, since they all believe they are in danger.
In order to have a few days guaranteed within the competition, the 10 participants know that they must win the different tests, since it is the only way to get advantages and, most importantly, the immunity idol.
In other news: Survivor surprise: Leo Cocinero was the first eliminated in the new tribe
Once again, celebrities underwent a new leadership test that developed in two groupswhich required a lot of resistance, however, Federico, Margarita and Aco were the first to fall into the water thus giving the triumph to Catú, as the first choice.
Subsequently, the second group underwent the test, but a few seconds after starting, Juan del Mar and Tania were eliminated.
The final competition took place between Juan Palau, Eléider and Lina, however, the The athlete’s technique surpassed that of the singer and boxerso Lina was ‘crowned’ as the second leader.